Monday, June 23, 2008

I've been stolen...

Some guy named removed stole my identity. Please help me...

OK. Here is what we know about him:

His avatar name in SL: removed
He has a blog: removed
He lives in removed. He works in removed. He is removed yrs old.


Distilled1 said...

well that really sucks!

and the pic I took I can't find in my mess of snapshots from SL :o

they were talking about this in the forums that it would happen because people just suck!

I hope you try again I was very interested to see what would happen.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean you've been stolen. You set your avatar out on a curb with a free sign on his chest and money in his pockets. What did you think would happen?

Share Svoboda said...

it supposed to be public... now it is owned...

Ghosty said...

Yes, I ttook the accnt. And I regretted it as soon as I did it - and will relinquish it immediately.

The password is iptysquat12533

Share Svoboda said...

thanks... we all appreciate it...

Wildefire Walcott said...

Woohoo, glad you got the account back! This is a cool idea!

Ghosty said...

Well, again, I'm very sorry. Im not sure what I was thinking when I did that, and likely I wasn't thinking at all. Totally out of character for me. I hope you guys get plenty of enjoyment from it, and if I get the chance to get on it at some point in the evening, I'll load it with some nice things.

My heartfelt apologies to one and all who enjoy this account.